Wichita’s Award-Winning Heating & Air Company
Each year, Lennox awards the top 6% of all North American Dealers with the Centurion Award. Fenix is proud to have been a recipient of this award for the past 15 years running. It embodies our strict adherence to quality customer service and installation, and rewards our foundation of employee development and training. Every technician at Fenix is highly trained in everything Lennox and HVAC.
When you work with us, you know that we’ll do the job efficiently and with the utmost quality.
“Earning the Lennox Centurion Award emphasizes Fenix Heating and Cooling’s progress as a leading marketer of residential comfort systems, who delivers exceptional comfort and service on every job,” said Douglas L. Young, President and COO of LII Residential Heating & Cooling
A special thanks goes out to all our customers. Without you, this wouldn’t be possible. Here’s to another 15 years of excellence.

Join the Fenix Protection Plan Service Program today! You’ll receive some nice benefits, like 20% off all parts and labor and having the peace of mind to know that your HVAC unit is being serviced by the best comfort specialists in Wichita!
Visit our showroom to see all our trusted products on display at 802 West 2nd St., just across from Wichita’s new library, or give us a call at 316-945-4842.
Be sure to check out our current promotions to get the best deal on meeting your comfort needs!